Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Tomorrow's the Day

Thursday, February 15

Just spent about an hour packing. Normally, packing is an easy and simple process: Figure out how many days I'm going to be gone, start with enough underwear (and reserves; you never know ... ), then add shirts, shoes, socks, toiletries, and pants, coats, suits, etc., as needed. 

In the old days, I'd add a couple of books (which I rarely read, but wanted to have, regardless). Nowadays, I just have to make sure I’ve got my Kindle, my laptop, my phone, and all the various and sundry chargers. The books were probably a better deal.

As I've said, though, I've never been away this long, so I had to guess what in the world I'll be needing in a month—enough for two suitcases worth. The weather is going to be a crap shoot. Looking at the various long-term forecasts, I can expect moderate weather (mostly in the 30s and 40s). It is late winter, though, and I’m hoping for some snow. Not El Blizzardo, but enough so that I get my money’s worth. I’m prepared in any case. I mean, it’s supposed to be 62 on Sunday! (Thanks, Al Gore …)

In the case that I do find myself needing to do a wash, fortunately there’s a laundromat and dry cleaner right below our Airbnb, so relief will be only steps away. (I’m reminded of George Costanza saying on Seinfeld that his dream was to have 365 pairs of underwear so he’d have to do wash only once a year.) I do remember that, when we were in Dublin, we desperately needed to wash our stuff, and, fortunately, the hotel offered laundry services. We sent everything out, and every though it cost an arm and a leg, it was worth it.

Some role model

So, I’m checked into my flight (and have apparently not been upgraded, despite having bought my ticket last summer and using miles to make the request; I’ve been told to expect a refund), have my stuff packed (and I’m sure I’ll have forgotten something), have the necessary tickets for shows and flights (I expect to see at least five shows this weekend and hope to see a sixth if I get in early enough Thursday), and am basically ready to go.

In spite of, or maybe because of, I’m feeling equal measures of excitement and depression. I’ve always had anxiety over what I call the “first day of school;” that is, starting a new job or new project, so this is nothing new, and I know (from past experience) that once I get to the airport, I’ll be fine. If nothing else, it’ll just be too damn early to be anything but tired.

Post Script: I posted this at 9:50 pm. At about 11:25, I suddenly realized that I hadn't packed the keys to the Airbnb. I've got them now, but it would have been most unfortunate ...

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