Day 34: Wednesday, March 22
Wednesday and Thursday were, in a way, mirror images
of one another. More on the latter presently, but let’s deal with the former
I spent most of the morning feeling very depressed and
down on myself. It was all pretty much show-related. Even though we’ve gotten
good—not great, but good—reviews, they haven’t been (for the most part) the
very good ones I’d hoped for. This is kind of ironic in that I don’t normally
care about reviews—and, to be honest—I haven’t really cared about these big
picture. I enjoy reading them, but always have the perspective that it’s one
person’s opinion. That said, our latest “professional” review just hated the
show; hated the script, hated the idea, hated everything—but he especially
hated me. It actually didn’t bother me. When it came out, I eagerly quoted it
to Pidge and even re-read it the next morning and found it kind of funny how
much he hated me.
But, regardless, there was a cloud hanging over my
head and I didn’t know how to dispel it. I thought briefly about Vaguebooking
about it (“Feeling bad today and could use positive thoughts”), but I would
have found that self-indulgent and would either make Pidge think something had
happened or that I’d have to explain it and turn on the self-pity. I was just wondering if all the effort had been for naught. I mean, I've loved the experience, but it's been taxing financially, psychologically, and physically. I wrote Pidge an email explaining where my head was at, and that actually helped
things—just getting it all down in pixels and out of my head.
Mid-afternoon, the psychological clouds parted,
though, and my attitude did a 180 and I went into a “fuck the critics” mode;
that I’m going to do what I want to do; that I’m going to stay relaxed and
focused in the show and do what feels right and appropriate in the moment—and that’s
all I can do. If people like it (and I think they will—not because of me, but
because of the play), great; if not, well, I did all I could to tell the story.
It was cold—really cold—Wednesday, so rather than walk, I decided to take the subway. Since it was Wednesday, though, I had to stop at the comic store to see what had come in. A lot had, but nothing I had to have immediately (my subscription is still ongoing in Mountain View), so I headed to Union Square (where, blessedly, that horrible blues band wasn’t playing) and went north.
I chilled in the dressing room, worked with my hair—which
I got into decent shape (so much so that I did the same thing Thursday and
probably will the rest of the run)—then Brendan and I ran Scene 5, and we
The show, for whatever reason, went like dynamite. We
were both on and focused and having fun and the audience enjoyed it from
beginning to end (and, as always, the laughter at his entrance was the key). We
came off, pumped at how well it had gone, even though I really didn’t have a
clue as to the specifics of what I’d done, other than to be in the moment. I
hoped I could use my knowledge and revised attitude to repeat things on
I was, of course, hungry after the show, and debated what to do. I still have a lot of sandwich fixings and leftovers at home, but I thought that a cold spring evening (and the wind chill was, like 18 degrees) would be the perfect time to finally hit Katz’s Delicatessen. I try to hit Katz’s when I’m in town, and even though the last time was disappointing (and the sandwich itself is inferior to the one at Langer’s in Los Angeles; all sandwiches suffer in comparison to the Langer’s #19), I still need my fix.
I walked against the cold winds to 63rd,
where I caught the F train to the Lower East Side, walked the block to the
restaurant, and was indeed rewarded with a slow night. There were many people
there, but nowhere near like the lunch crowds I’d seen earlier there. I marched
right up to the counter, ordered my sandwich, tipped the guy, got a beer, and
settled in at a good table. The sandwich was very good, much better than last
time, but still wildly overpriced (the tab came to over $30).
Good. Not thirty bucks good, but good.
I walked up 1st to the apartment, had
dessert (a mini cheesecake I’d bought at Veneiro’s last week), then went up to
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